Category Archives: Major League Show Jumping

Bond Bounces Back

On Friday, A.I.M. United’s Ashlee Bond (ISR) had an unusually bad day at the office in the Major League Show Jumping Team Event at San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Riding...

Eye Candy Takes the Cake in Caledon

Eye Candy picked up their third victory of the Major League season—and another hometown win for Amy Millar and Jacqueline Steffens—in Caledon, Ontario. Phase VI of the tour was their...

Villamoura, Mi Amor

Connecticut-based rider Sydney Shulman Desiderio (ISR) shares the story of her "horse of a lifetime," as told to Carley Sparks. Villamoura is a true show horse. You just might not...

Kristen Vanderveen Has Rhythm

Kristen Vanderveen (USA), anchor rider for the Diamond Devils this week at Major League Show Jumping Phase 5, is known for her penchant for speed. But her fleet-footed riding has...

Behind the Look: CALLIDAE x MLSJ

What do a 60-something American Adult Ammy and a 30-something Canadian show jumper have in common? More than you’d think at first blush. Both are more than a bit audacious,...

Behind the Teams: Blazing 7s

When Chandler Meadows (USA) joined the Major League Show Jumping's Blazing 7s, she got more than a team with a speedy name. She found a new trainer in American Olympian...

A.I.M. United FTW

Phase IV of the Major League Show Jumping tour was undoubtedly the most dramatic yet. Hosted for the second week in a row by Angelstone Tournaments in Toronto, the second...