Did I download Tinder for the purpose of this experiment? Yes. Yes, I did. Begrudgingly, of course. But fight it all you want, the era of online dating is here....
The grey texts that bubbled up on my phone were from my French rider friend, so I took the comment in good faith. Actually, I was flattered to be compared...
Horse shows can be truly mystifying to the metropolitan journalist, as expressed by their often convoluted coverage. While I won't name exactly which publication has fallen victim to this teachable...
Let's be real, horse show boyfriend is auditioning for the much more grueling role as horse show husband. Before they have to pull your trailer, repair broken fences and drag...
Jacksonville, FL — Boarders at a Florida stable have reported troubling bouts of criminal activity allegedly carried out by one uncooperative horse owner. Karen Pheluney's first offenses were merely delinquent,...
BOSTON, MA—Gas prices are at an all time high, inspiring some out of the garage thinking from Boston city local Joe Metro. Metro's solution is simple: ditch the gas guzzling,...
I'd be lying if I said this was the first time I tried international show jumper Adrienne Sternlicht's invigorating *cough* grueling *cough* morning routine. I've faltered at step-one every time....
MEMPHIS, TN—A Tennessee woman startled friends and family this month with her decision to send her two teenage sons to live with relatives rather than sell her horses, Kip and...
HARTFORD, CT—When hostilities boiled over during her family’s Thanksgiving Day celebration, Pony Club rider Kylie Hutchins knew just what to do. “I’ve always been a people-pleaser, so in a way,...
SPRINGFIELD, MA—Third to return for her Round 2 course, equitation rider Ashley Fallow was making last-minute preparations to her horse’s Halloween costume and so did not have time to observe...
MENLO PARK, CA—A new report released by Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen says that in addition to knowingly increasing depression and eating disorders among teenage girls, Instagram and Facebook are aware...
Houston, Texas—As Ivermectin de-wormer sales reached new heights across America under the largely unsupported premise that it can help treat COVID-19, a Texas horse has reportedly recommended that experimentally inclined...
Ah, ponies. Deceptively cute and decidedly evil, they are the ones that most children learned to ride on, our tiny legs flailing uselessly and bodies bobbing in out-of-rhythm attempts to...
Athens, GA—A Georgia trainer decided to break with convention when he opted not to mince words or use coded numbers in a recent sales ad for the seasoned Children’s Hunter,...
For the non-horse people in my life watching the Olympics: Thank you for appreciating the "horse dancing," we are now on the "show jumping" portion of the program. I hope...
Welcome, human, to the trail ride! My name is Angel and I’ll be your horse for the next hour. One hour, exactly. Don’t you worry, we'll get home on time....
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM—A panel of experts from around the globe gathered together last week to review criteria for international-level eventing, specifically focusing on cross country day. After a week-long review of...
We spend a lot of time here waxing poetic about the numerous and varied ways horses enrich our lives, empty our bank accounts, and make the world a better place....
Ah, self-care. We’ve heard a lot about you in 2020. Self-care can look a whole lot different from one person to the next. For one individual, it may be a...
AUSTIN, TEXAS—Court documents reveal that a Cedar Park man filed for co-conservatorship of his wife claiming she had been brainwashed by a cult masquerading as the Hidden Fields riding stable...