Anemia (a decreased number of red blood cells) seems to be something that a lot of horse owners are told they should be concerned about. In fact, I am quite...
A while back, I had an opportunity to acquire and old book that I thought was really cool. It’s called, “The Horse in Motion.” It was published back in 1882....
So… your horse is flooding the stall. He takes a drink every time you take a look at him. You are single-handedly keeping the bedding company in business. There are...
Assuming that you haven’t been living in a cave, or haven’t been enjoying some wonderful vacation in a remote location without internet access (they exist), by now, you’ve probably heard...
I am constantly amazed at people’s taste for “natural.” I mean, really, humans have spent most of their civilized life trying to get away from natural. Now, it’s constantly being...
When I first got out of veterinary school and started looking at horses prior to purchase (usually referred to as a “vet check” or a prepurchase exam), the horses usually...
For decades, horse owners have been regularly deworming horses—with an almost messianic zeal—under the general rationale that all parasites are terrible and horse owners must do everything that they can...
In my experience, people spend a lot of time worrying about things that they can do to keep their horse(s) in the best health possible. Of course, that’s completely understandable;...
You’ve subscribed to seven horse-related magazines. You have a regular subscription to a supplement delivery service. When your horse takes an off step you automatically think that he might have...
You have a performance horse. He’s not performing as you had hoped or expected. His form is flawed. His piaffe lacks panache. His elan has elapsed. He slides have slid. And half...
If you’ve been around horses for any length of time (usually measured in minutes), you’ve probably heard that a horse needs X-rays (hopefully, it wasn’t yours). And while you...
I wish that discussions about vaccines were easy. It would be great to have this sort of vaccine equation: Horse + vaccine + (reactions x 0) = no disease Otherwise...
Although southern California is a pretty balmy place in which to keep a horse, not everyone is so lucky. Fortunately, while wintertime means that people are breaking out the down...
Question: “A couple friends and I were talking about all the horses we’ve trained and ridden throughout the years and comparing their characteristics and personality traits, etc. We were wondering if...
Among the more common injuries besetting equine athletes are injuries to the various tendons and ligaments of the legs. In fact, they’re so common that some have even earned the...
I have never been satisfied just going out and working on horses. I mean, I really love working on horses, but I always thought that my obligation—to horses, to my...
I ran across a thought-provoking article in the November 2014 edition of the human medical journal, Pediatrics. ASIDE: Yes, I have other things to do. The article is called, “Overdiagnosis:...