Author Archives: Marina Callahan

Muffins With A Mission

They say life's too short to not eat dessert. Well, I say life is too short to not feed your horse the whole bag of treats. Okay, maybe not the...

We Are All Weird Horse Girl

Right now, somewhere in North America, there is a girl sitting at home caught between awkward adolescence and the evening bell. She wears her paddock boots to the park, and...

Tack to the Future

It's the year 2020, and while it might be a tad disappointing we don't yet have flying cars or a colony on Mars, those things haven't ever really appealed to...

“Lights, Camera, Canter!”

Horses on the big screen isn’t exactly a mainstream draw, so if you wanted to kick back and enjoy a horse flick you might've been stuck watching Seabiscuit for the...