Author Archives: Nina Fedrizzi

A Horse’s Letter to Santa

Dear Mr. Claus, I am writing this letter preemptively, as The Girl has been busy issuing her own letter and Christmas list, which she will undoubtedly be zipping off to...

9 Arresting Images of Horses in the First World War Although exact figures are hard to come by, the sheer magnitude of horses lost in the First World War can be difficult to process. Some estimates put the number as high as 8 million in four...

21 ‘Aha’ Moments Every Rider Will Recognize

When you reach the age when you’ve been a rider for most of your life, it’s important to regularly mine your experiences in search of insights. Try to remember those moments when, in an instant, your perspective...

22 Times Horses Behaved Like Teenage Girls As prey animals, horses can, at times, have a flight response and wild emotional trajectory that is not unlike the flight response and wild emotional trajectory of the average teenage...