Every year, we gather ’round the table to remember the things we are thankful for this holiday season. Good health. Mild weather. A stable job (badum tish!). But while wacky Aunt June and the rest of your non-horsey relatives may raise an eyebrow at your abiding love for tail bags and DMSO, we get it. We totally do.
Here, 21 things horse people can actually be grateful for this Thanksgiving.
1. Soundness
It may sound like a silly thing, but true horsemen know that every day with a sound horse is a day you should appreciate.
2. Spot remover and whitening shampoo.
(**Bay horse owners scratch their heads in confusion.**) For any one who’s ever been the owner of a chrome-legged chestnut, pinto—or god forbid—a grey horse on an early horse show morning, you know you’d happily trade your right arm for a jug full of Miracle Groom.
3. A good pair of scissors.
It’s not just about opening hay bales. A good, sharp pair of shears are worth their weight in gold (bonus points if someone actually puts them back where they belong).
4. This image of George Morris.
George Morris as the Norse God Odin? Oh yeah, you’re welcome.
5. Your trainer’s wine cellar.
So maybe you don’t know for sure that one too many beginner lessons a week causes your trainer to drink heavily. Let’s just say you have a sneaking suspicion. Bottoms up!
6. Live-stream equestrian events.
Believe it or not, there really was a time when you couldn’t watch the drama of a WEF Grand Prix, Rolex, or the latest from the Longines Global Champions Tour unfolding in real-time on your lap top. My, we’ve come a long way. Up high technology!
7. Charlotte Dujardin and Valegro
No matter what your discipline may be, you can’t help but be thankful for this bright-eyed Brit duo. We’ll always love watching them in action. Char+Vale=Forever. (Or at least until December, 2016 **sob**)
8. Sit-Tite spray.
Of course, you don’t need any help sticking tight in the saddle. That’s what all your #NoStirrupNovember work is for. But isn’t it nice to know that the option exists should you ever want to change your mind?
9. Starbucks.
Every equestrian knows that starting a horse show without Starbucks is like going to the beach without sunscreen. You may think it’s a good idea, but in the end, you’ll only feel burned and gross. (Spare us the tirade Dunkin’ Donuts peeps.)
10. Late fall hacks.

(flickr.com/Sera Photography)
The fall days keep getting shorter—and colder—but on those rare afternoons when the weather holds, the riding this time of year can take your breath away.
11. Zip-up tall boots.
Ah, remember the days when your brand new field boots came with two wooden boot hooks and a prayer? Those years may be gone now, but the memories of puffy calves (“They must be swollen—these fit perfectly last summer!”), baby powder-filled socks and excruciating leg cramps won’t fade away. #neverforget
12. Gators and golf carts.
How did people get around the horse show or deliver hay to paddocks before the invention of golf carts and Gators?
—Wait, they did what?…Like, on foot?
13. Horse Show Moms.
Your horse show mom probably dried your tears, pinched pennies, and shoveled more than her fair share of love nuggets over the years. And she did it all without complaining—much. Thanks Mom!
14. Minis everywhere.
As service animals, circus lions, or viral internet sensations, miniature horses are harbingers of cuteness wherever they are found.
15. Heated wash stalls.
Because no one, including your horse, appreciates winter leg-washing with a side of frostbite.
16. Heated buckets.
Another win for the heat squad—helps encourage your horse to keep drinking and keeps you from having to crack ice buckets with your bare knuckles. (Oh, that’s just us? Never mind then.)
17. Heated tack rooms.
Tack cleaning in Siberia? No thank you. We’ll take a heated tack room any day.
18. Your farrier.
He’s your knight in shining leather apron, and he’ll save the day every time. Thank your farrier, and thank him or her often (cookies help). And when you’re not saying “thank you” to him, make sure you’re saying thank you for him.
19. Barn cats.
They sleep in the cold and eat mice out of the grain bin so you don’t have to. What’s not to love?
20. Banamine.
It may not be a miracle drug, per say, but most horse people can remember a time when they were in Banamine’s debt, helping to comfort a colicky or painful horse while waiting on pins and needles for the vet to arrive.
21. Good horses.
Good horses are the reason we all get out of bed in the morning. They’re why we work two jobs, rise before the sun does, live life with perpetually cracked and dirty hands—and smile through every bit of it. We’re thankful for our horses, who give us as much or more than we could ever give them.
Happy Thanksgiving, from all of us at the Horse Network!