“He’s due for work.” “She might need injections.” “It’s time for some routine maintenance.” They’re all different expressions for the same, common veterinary treatment in horses. For many equine athletes,...
Suspensory ligament injuries. The dreaded ‘s’ word in the equine veterinary industry. “I call it the ‘s’ word just because I've made quite a few girls and, I think, a...
Although your local climate and weather conditions will likely have an influence on your horse’s hooves, there are some universal factors that impact hoof quality and growth rate year-round, no...
Horses’ teeth have always confused me. There is no definitive tooth count, many of the teeth have strange names, some have no discernible purpose and one type is untrustworthy. So,...
Whether you ride for pleasure or performance, spring is an exciting time that offers a fresh new start. And we know your horse is like family, so as with any...
Equine ulcers have long been a common concern for horse owners. Our understanding of ulcers has dramatically improved over time through medical advancement, and there is currently more nuance to...
Anemia (a decreased number of red blood cells) seems to be something that a lot of horse owners are told they should be concerned about. In fact, I am quite...
Although small in stature, the 10-year-old miniature horse named Itty Bitty is anything but shy in personality. When owner Julie Russell of West Palm Beach, FL, and her good friend...
There's a growing problem among the equine population, and we do mean growing. An increase in horses with metabolic disorders like insulin resistance and Equine Metabolic Syndrome has veterinarians and...
So… your horse is flooding the stall. He takes a drink every time you take a look at him. You are single-handedly keeping the bedding company in business. There are...
Every owner dreads having to decide whether or not to send their horse onto the surgical table for colic surgery. For a fully-informed decision, it is important that the horse’s...
Assuming that you haven’t been living in a cave, or haven’t been enjoying some wonderful vacation in a remote location without internet access (they exist), by now, you’ve probably heard...
I am constantly amazed at people’s taste for “natural.” I mean, really, humans have spent most of their civilized life trying to get away from natural. Now, it’s constantly being...
When I first got out of veterinary school and started looking at horses prior to purchase (usually referred to as a “vet check” or a prepurchase exam), the horses usually...
Utrecht University’s Equine Clinic is performing cutting-edge biomechanics research that is reshaping how we think about the equine body and applying new technologies to enhance health. Last month while I...
When horses are not performing up to their usual standards, regardless of discipline, the signs can be subtle. Usually, it is the rider who first picks up on a slight...
For decades, horse owners have been regularly deworming horses—with an almost messianic zeal—under the general rationale that all parasites are terrible and horse owners must do everything that they can...
In my experience, people spend a lot of time worrying about things that they can do to keep their horse(s) in the best health possible. Of course, that’s completely understandable;...