Some horses handle the change in seasons like a pro. Some horses don’t.
1. As you tack up for your lesson, you start to realize something is amiss.

2. Your horse looks the same… a little brighter maybe?

3. But then suddenly it dawns on you: he looks a little cold.

4. You think, maybe I should proceed with caution here.

5. But when your trainer asks if you need extra time to lunge, pride gets the better of you.

6. So you decide to hop right on.

7. Getting him to stand at the mounting block is a bit of a challenge.

8. And when you finally manage to mount, his back feels different.

9. His gaits have totally changed.

10. And he’s acting like he’s under attack from all sides.

11. At first it’s just a little irritating.

12. But then things really start to get out of hand.

13. And finally you’ve had enough.

14. You dismount and stomp off to get your lunge line.

15. If only there was something you could do about the next six months…