Channel Archives: Opinion

“A Kid-Broke Hoss”

“First pony” stories are the stuff of legend. We all have them—mental records of the goodhearted babysitters and the devils on four legs that gave us the start we needed...

Every Sport Needs a World Champion

From my observation, every Olympic sport has a world championship. Arguably, the two greatest titles athletes can earn are Olympic gold medalist and world champion. These competitions shape a sport's...

For the Love of Mares

In my younger (ok, MUCH younger) days, I didn’t like mares. They seemed unpredictable and difficult compared to geldings, or even stallions. I was wrong. In the feral society of...

Cold Weather Laminitis?

It happens every winter. A horse that may not even have a prior history of laminitis is found to be very lame and reluctant to move. It’s more than the...

Battered, Burned and Bonded

I awoke Friday morning and just stared at the comments. I'd spent the previous evening in a state of distress; a state of overwhelming fear, sadness, and this sick sense...

Cold Weather and Stiff Horses

Research has proven that exposure to cold causes increased stiffness in both muscle and connective tissue, including tendons and ligaments. A recent human study also confirmed that dampness (relative humidity)...

For Breeders’ Sake

On Thanksgiving Day, while the turkey roasted and my family gathered, my significant other and I huddled on the couch with shoulders touching and a tiny phone in front of...

Managing the Skinny Older Horse

Impending winter weather and loss of good pasture make all owners of thin senior horses anxious. Some things to consider when a horse is underweight span all age groups, but...

I Chose My Horse Over My Husband

There are obviously countless reasons why a couple decides to breakup or file for divorce. As anyone who has survived a failed, long-term relationship knows, there are so many reasons...

A Helmet Saved My Life

So, six months ago this was me. (Warning, the next photo might be a bit unsettling. No blood, just very broken bones. Also, cursing ahead.) THANK GOODNESS I was wearing...

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