Channel Archives: Opinion

True Groom Confessions

Do you ever wonder what grooms talk about when they're alone? What kind of secrets do they keep? Well, we asked a few brushers to share some tidbits they wouldn't...

The Cyber Bully Inside All of Us

Almost everything I've ever posted, I published under a pen name. Gretchen is my real first name, and Lida is the first name of my great-grandmother. I am a big...

All Praise the Blue/Red Classes

You know what the best thing ever is at horse shows? The blue/red classes. If you haven't heard of these (and they're not a new phenomenon), here's the scoop: You...

Your Farrier Is Not a God

Your farrier is not a god. You do not have to give him* offerings to keep him happy. You do not have to worry if your horse twitches at a...

Managing Old Soft Tissue Injuries

Tendon and suspensory ligament injuries plague horses performing in all disciplines. Even pleasure horses and pasture ornaments may fall victim if they take the proverbial “bad step” over rough ground...

The Horse I Can’t Quit

Five years ago I took on an off-the-track-thoroughbred with the idea that he would be an easy flip. Some quick cash. A safety net for my savings account. Four and...

How To Be a Horse Trainer

So you want to become a horse trainer, huh? Sounds like fun—doing what you love and getting paid for it? Score! You are about to embark on a wonderful journey...but...

10 Reasons Why OTTBs are the Best

While scrolling through Facebook recently I came across a post titled “10 Reasons Not to Buy an Off-The-Track Thoroughbred”. You’ve got to be kidding me, I thought. Surely this is...

Treat Yo’ Self

If there is one simple change to your horsey routine that doesn’t get mentioned much but would really make your farrier’s (actually, everyone’s) life easier, it would be these three...

The Pre-Purchase Exam and YOU

I have sold quite a few horses. Some for a lot of money, some for a little. Some which had training for years and are solid citizens at their discipline,...

The Laminitis ‘Silver Bullet’

It’s perfectly natural to want a silver bullet that will instantly remove the threat of devastating health problems like laminitis, but it’s just not that simple. The latest proposed silver...

Full of Firsts

I walked to the start box today and stared down at my horse's neck, trying to calm my nerves and relax my core. His black mane was streaked with white,...

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