Channel Archives: Opinion

Worth Her Weight In Gold

I can remember moving to Lexington, KY a decade ago and thinking: “Now. Now is when I finally learn to ride.” I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania...

Are You Listening?

Riding horses is exhausting. No, I’m not talking about the physical exhaustion that comes with hours in the saddle. I don’t mean the sore muscles, aching back or multitude of...

My Two Left Feet

I strive for perfection… But I own horses. There is a duality in this lifestyle that is so hard for people like me. And by me, I mean my fellow...

A Perfect Day For Lemonade

A year ago today, I loaded the love of my life onto a trailer bound for his new home. He was off to the hunter world where he would help...

Why Arabians Make Perfect Partners

As a lifelong owner and lover of the Arabian Horse, I have had occasion to hear a lot of things about the breed. Most people—equestrians and non-equestrians alike—will immediately notice...

Why Failure Is Good For You

I hate failing. Did that even need to be said? Do any of us enjoy falling flat on our face (sometimes quite literally in our sport) in front of our...

Stuck in the Rat Race

I remember being 16 years old and feeling the tears streaming down my face. I remember walking off the cross country course with my head hanging down and my pelvis...

Preventing Spring Grass Laminitis

Spring is the peak time for grass-associated laminitis in most parts of the world. You can effectively treat, or better yet, prevent it, but only if you understand the mechanism....

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