Category Archives: Video

Meet The Equestrian Hunter

We all remember Steve Irwin, and to be honest, this writer always had a little thing for him. What wasn't to love? Brave, loud, theatrically crazy and kinda adorable. Could there be anything better...

Riders Read Awkward Tweets

Fangirling over your favorite rider is standard fare on social media. We know because a) we do it, a lot and b) we post your gushing tweets on the regular. While confessing your heart's...

Behind the Scenes With Nyquist

It's one thing to earn the status of prohibitive Kentucky Derby out on the track, as Nyquist has dutifully done in his brief but brilliant career. This is a fast,...

Tall Rider Struggles

We're going to be completely honest with you. We had plenty of fodder for our first, Struggles Only Short Riders Understand video. Boatloads of struggles. A Shire full of hobbits...