Category Archives: Uncategorized

(North) American Invasion

Ain't no party like a Windsor Castle party! Because when The Queen hosts a horse show, the whole world shows up. North American contingent included. The Royal Windsor Horse Show...


One of the most impressive qualities of some of today’s top Natural Horsemanship clinicians is their honesty to admit they don’t have all the answers. They remind us to keep...

The Tao of Mediocre Dressage

I was swing dancing one night, and the concept of tension kept spinning around in my brain. Not chick-flick tension, but the rubber-band-like feeling between partners that lets them communicate...

Own the Moment in 2019

As we wind down to the end of 2018, we start looking forward to what might be possible for us in 2019. Will it be my best year ever with...

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