If you own and ride horses, you spend a good amount of time sleuthing—trying to figure out why they might be behaving a certain way at a certain time or...
We riders often have laundry lists of the qualities we value in horses. These can be general, like most competitors wanting athletes in their barns, and they can be specific,...
I’m all in for “anything horse.” Riding, grooming, sharing a horse’s space, stroking a muzzle, emanating every fiber of love of my being for the creature, whispering sweet nothings into...
If you can start a young horse, retrain a “problem” horse, expertly maneuver a truck and trailer, give both IM and IV injections, and safely handle a stallion—or better yet,...
August is county fair time here in the Midwest—the time of year when urban and rural life collide. This year, whilst perusing pop up barn aisles at the local fair,...
I have been asked to write on a lot of topics. Why are Thoroughbreds better than other breeds? Why are geldings better than mares? Why do I love bay horses...
When you’re young—especially if you’re in the horse industry—everyone talks about the need to gain experience abroad. It doesn’t matter where you go, they say, just go somewhere that has...
Whether you and your horse are just starting out or you’ve been riding together for years, the secret to getting results beyond what you’ve been getting is in learning how...
When riding, training, and competing, it seems we are constantly trying to balance how to be kind to our horses while still establishing boundaries that ensure behavior that keeps everyone—horse...
We all know that while in the saddle, the rider communicates with the horse using a language of succinct signals. Oh, yeah…and these signals are called aids. Since the aids...
Winter can bring the doldrums even to our horses. In their natural environment, the air gets colder, the ground gets harder, food gets scarcer and predators get hungrier. Like us,...
Come Nov. 9-12, North America’s premier equestrian gathering will feature four days of non-stop horses, shopping, and horse shopping. And that’s only one of the reasons you’re going to fall in love with...
Come Nov. 9-12, North America's premiere equestrian gathering will feature four days of non-stop horses, shopping, and horse shopping. And that's only one of the reasons you're going to fall in love with...
On Sunday, season three of Masterpiece’s Swashbuckling series, Poldark, thunders back onto tiny screens across the United States. This 18th-century drama stars Aiden Turner as Ross Poldark, a roguishly handsome,...
In her new book Our Horses, Ourselves: Discovering the Common Body, world-renowned dancer and choreographer Paula Josa-Jones explores how horses help what needs helping, and the role our bodies, their...
Nobody is perfect—statement of fact. We are all guilty of occasionally cutting corners or running out of time and brushing something off with a muttered, "Urgh, it’ll be fine." That...
Stallions, in many ways, are like overgrown kids, and 'mom skills' can come in really handy. For instance, sensing when things are too quiet and having eyes in the back...
Mark Rashid has made a name for himself by interweaving principles of the martial arts into his horse training and his teaching. A second-degree black belt in Yoshinkan aikido, he...
This article was supposed to be a new installment in my Liberty Training for Amateurs series, however, I've been consumed by a terrible tragedy. My father, avid equestrian James P....