Category Archives: Health


You’ve heard the phrase “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a duck." That is an example of abductive reasoning, more accurately inference, where...

The Truth About “Hind Gut Ulcers”

It’s difficult to go anywhere online (and probably off) where people are talking about horses without having something come up about hind gut ulcers, symptoms and treatments. There are even...

Banish Boot Rubs with the EquiFit BellyBand

Irish wunderkind Bertram Allen and Quiet Easy lost the Grand Prix of Olympia last December because of one. U.S.’s top-ranked dressage rider Steffen Peters was eliminated from the Reem Acra 2015 World Cup Final...

The Ultimate Hoof Care Quiz

Think you know hoof care? Take this short quiz to find out! [interaction id="56cc97f5e5be274a1fe25e43"] Sources by Question: 1. American Farriers Journal, “Light vs. Dark, The Hoof Debate Rages On.” 2. The...

Taking the Edge Off the Anxious Horse

When it comes to equestrian sport, few horses can bring it like the thoroughbred. Their heart, courage, power and athleticism make them an ideal fit for just about any discipline,...

10 Things Horses Hate

1. Humans making sudden, unnecessary movements—movements that could be perceived as aggression on the part of the human (like chasing them with a plastic bag tied to a whip). [caption...