Think you know hoof care? Take this short quiz to find out!
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Sources by Question:
1. American Farriers Journal, “Light vs. Dark, The Hoof Debate Rages On.”
2. The Horse, “Thrush Diagnosis and Treatment.”
3. University of Missouri Extension, “Care of Your Horse’s Feet”; Heike Bean,“What Does a Healthy Hoof Look Like?”; Dr. Ruth-Ann Richter, Brandon Equine, “My Feet Are Wet.”
4. Absorbine, “Magic Cushion® and Magic Cushion® Xtreme”
5. EquiMed, “How Do I Help My Horse’s Cracked, Dry Feet?”
6. Absorbine, “Hooflex® Therapeutic Conditioner Liquid”
7. Absorbine Blog, “Which Hooflex is Right for You?”
8. Practical Horseman, “Ten Hoof Care Tips to Help Keep Your Horse’s Hooves Healthy and Strong.”