I’ve got a confession to make: I’ve been holding out on you. There is one simple exercise that I uncovered a while ago and haven’t shared here. And it’s a...
The Retired Racehorse Project recently released the list of trainers for this year’s Thoroughbred Makeover, and as the winner of one of the disciplines from last year I was at...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E-wfC4oUhU The life of the show announcer might seem like a cushy gig, what with the jetting around from show to show, looking at pretty people on their pretty ponies...
For the competitive equestrian, the horse show is your grand stage. All eyes on you. Show us what you got. Month upon month of tedious preparation, dodging setbacks and pouring...
You would think before ever jumping into to horseback riding, one would learn the basics of horsemanship. You would think. However, we know this is not the case. We’ve all met...
According to Maclay Finals winner, judge, clinician and author Anna Jane White-Mullin, most “rushers”—horses that run to fences—are topped by nervous riders who panic when their horses become tense or...
When you’re a full-time student-rider, you’re working on a full schedule, whether gearing up for the weekend’s hunter classic, or finishing that four-page term paper for next Friday. And, as...
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Just kidding. These all fall firmly into the worst category. And it’s hilarious. https://twitter.com/AdenAshley/status/689594002652291072?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/youngtheangela/status/689592433760403457?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/M0rganp3rry/status/689589536461078528?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/GroomSecrets/status/689587363589312512?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw https://twitter.com/DatingMyHorse/status/689504292189839360?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw...
One of the most notable developments from the 2016 USEF Annual Meeting was the passing of a rule requiring USHJA registered horses to be microchipped (EQ103.2, HU101.2, JP100.2). As of December 1,...
The dating scene is hard. Very hard. And while there are lots of fish out in that sea, the not-so-rare equestrian girl is a unique species. It takes a special,...
Equestrian sport, like beach volleyball and gymnastics before it, has the unique distinction of requiring a rather unforgiving wardrobe. Whether you’re kicking a*s and taking names in your dressage test, or going clear...
Pole work is an important part of training a horse, both physically and mentally, says Sally Amsterdamer, a British dressage instructor who specializes in flat work for show jumpers. “The...
Life comes at you fast, but it can it all be taken away just as swiftly. It’s a lesson one young equestrian will never forget. What began as just another...
Most longstanding luxury saddle makers use time to their advantage. Established 20 or 30 or even 50 years ago, they stake their reputations on their legacy. Voltaire does just the opposite. In just five...
This is it. The entire Shetland Pony race calendar has been pointed to this moment right here—the Shetland Pony Grand National at Olympia. These are the fastest ponies in Great...
When you reach the kind of superstar status where people recognize you by your nickname (Hey, Beezie!) and the world’s toughest critics (*cough* GEORGE MORRIS) marvel at your textbook position,...
Why do show hunters, equitation riders and horse show pleasure riders so often lope along in that "dead zone" canter? Part of the answer must be that the slower, more...
I recently read a quote by George Morris that resonated with me a lot. Now, I’m not a “GM groupie”. I respect his accomplishments as a horseman and I think...
Stand-up comedian Eddie Izzard explains dressage. (“It’s brilliant! It’s just useless.”) And shares his suggestions for giving the sport more public appeal. (“Dressage a la burglar!”) Live at the Apollo! (In 2014) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddQs1_HyyAo
German dressage rider Jessica von Bredow-Werndl (GER) is currently ranked #5 in the world with her 14-year-old KWPN stallion Unee BB. In 2015 alone, they won the Grand Prix and the Grand...