Category Archives: English

Don’t Ruin a Good Horse

The Retired Racehorse Project recently released the list of trainers for this year’s Thoroughbred Makeover, and as the winner of one of the disciplines from last year I was at...

How to Hang Up Bridles

You would think before ever jumping into to horseback riding, one would learn the basics of horsemanship. You would think. However, we know this is not the case. We’ve all met...

Horse in a Rush? Try This.

According to Maclay Finals winner, judge, clinician and author Anna Jane White-Mullin, most “rushers”—horses that run to fences—are topped by nervous riders who panic when their horses become tense or...

12 Tweets That Will Make You Feel Better About Your #WorstHorseShowExperience

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. Just kidding. These all fall firmly into the worst category. And it’s hilarious.

Dating a Horse Girl

The dating scene is hard. Very hard. And while there are lots of fish out in that sea, the not-so-rare equestrian girl is a unique species. It takes a special,...

Fear of Flying

Why do show hunters, equitation riders and horse show pleasure riders so often lope along in that "dead zone" canter? Part of the answer must be that the slower, more...

Eddie Izzard’s (Hilarious) Guide to Dressage

Stand-up comedian Eddie Izzard explains dressage. (“It’s brilliant! It’s just useless.”) And shares his suggestions for giving the sport more public appeal. (“Dressage a la burglar!”) Live at the Apollo! (In 2014)