Author Archives: Rebecca Didier

The Sneaky Instructor

The following is an excerpt from Never Trust a Sneaky Pony, and Other Things They Did Not Teach Me in Vet School, by Dr. Madison Seamans, DVM. College for most...

“The Road West Was Waiting”

She left her family and all she knew behind, got on her horse, and rode west. Sounds like a song about some long-ago adventure, doesn’t it? It was only 40...

3 Exercises to Target Your Core

Long gone are the days when we could consider our horse’s fitness the only point of concern when it comes to our athletic endeavors together. Sure, he has to collect...

How Do We Conscientiously Compete?

The question of “social license”—acceptance or approval granted to a particular group from the community at large—is all over the equestrian sphere at the moment. When our sports involve another...

That “Forward” State of Mind

We’ve all been there—on the horse who pokes his way around the warm-up ring, needs leg, leg, leg coming into the combination, or brings up the rear on every trail...

“She’s GONE!”

I flash back on occasion to the early years of my horse-trailering experience—begging rides from acquaintances, loading my 4-H project pony into whatever rig might be passing by our driveway...

Six Things Horses Value in a Rider

We riders often have laundry lists of the qualities we value in horses. These can be general, like most competitors wanting athletes in their barns, and they can be specific,...

Chicken Wings for Personal Space

Who hasn’t had a horse who’s always “in your pocket”? The one who pushes and rubs and walks super close? We tend to either love on this horse because his...

The Horse Is Right, No Matter What

For years, Andrea Kutsch filled stadiums with spectators as she demonstrated remarkable transformations in “problem horses” using the Natural Horsemanship training methods she'd learned from leaders in the field. But...

“Crazy Walter”

When you ride numerous horses over the course of your life, you’re bound to experience some with, shall we say, “challenging” behaviors. It is these horses, as much as the...

Oberon’s Eye

Growing up in a small Maine town, Chris Lombard had never ridden a horse—never even touched one. But on one fateful night, as what he'd thought was a happy twenty-something...

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