Teaching feel to a rider is hard. Very hard. Teaching the proper mechanics of position is also hard, but not as hard. And since trainers have to teach you something because...
Coursenesia is a condition that selectively affects hunter and jumper riders and involves disruptions or breakdowns of memory, consciousness, awareness and/or perception. These symptoms can interfere with a person's general...
Confused about what hues go best with your colorful assortment of autumn breeches? Heather Struthers of Performance Horse & Rider tack shop has your solution! And it's in chart form....
Heather Struthers, of Performance Horse & Rider, is back! With your 2017 show attire trends. (Just in time for 2018?) Listen up, friends! Not everyone will agree with me on...
There is no one-size-fits all when it comes to life or breeches. There is, however, a perfect breech for just about every occasion. Even a few you might not have thought...
Horse girls have a bad rep. Somewhere between middle school and middle age, the "weird horse girl" labels morphs into "crazy cat lady with more money." While there may, occassionally, be...
Turns out, the things I look for in a horse are disturbingly similar to what I look for in a man... 1. Athletic I'm just sayin', a few toned muscles never hurt...
Let's be clear, I acknowledge this is a first world problem. It’s even an upper echelon first world problem. I have a horse, Rose, that I bought as a not inexpensive...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNXUho0YbaA You’re heading to the first jump on course. What could go wrong? ONLY EVERYTHING. 1. Your horse spooks A golf-cart backfires, the speakers pop, Jumbotron blows a bulb, the mere...