Meet ‘Get Frosted’, AKA Arnie. Owner Michele Henry sent us her video of Arnie (below) doing his best Schubert impression, and there’s a very good chance it’s the best thing you’ll see on the Internet all month…
Arnie is a 2008-model registered American Paint Horse Association (APHA)/American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) that used to show extensively on the APHA circuit (he’s a Top 10 World Champion). Arnie’s routine has changed a bit since Henry purchased a 40-acre boarding/show barn in 2014, but he’s no less pampered than he was during his show days.
While competition has taken a back seat, Arnie spends his time watching TV (ABC’s Shark Tank and the movie Tammy are his favorites) and playing the keyboard—that is, when he’s not busy enjoying the day outside.
“He’s by far the funniest horse I’ve ever come across,” Henry says. “He has an enormous personality and is more of a dog than a horse!”
Among his many talents, Arnie has a trademark “smile”, which earned him an advertising gig for Buckeye Nutrition, becoming their poster pony all over the nation. He also routinely breaks out of his stall, walking through the barn aisle in the middle of the night and tossing blankets, halters, and everything else in his path onto the floor, where he believes they belong. (That bit earned him an extra lock on his stall.)
Arnie’s massage therapist still comes once a month, even though he is no longer ridden. Because of course.
And Henry regularly “ponies” him up and down their 1/4 mile driveway with the farm 4-wheeler. “We call it ‘motorcycling’!” she says. “He even has a set of goggles for motorcycling, since there are a couple low-hanging trees in our path.”
“I just can’t tell you how funny this horse is, his personality is like nothing I’ve ever seen…I actually turned down an opportunity to sell him for a fair amount of money right after our most successful show season,” Henry says, though it’s a decision she’s never regretted. “I know not many horses like this exist—he’s part human, part dog, part horse!”
And clearly, very much loved.