Kids may say the darndest things, but baby animals have the market cornered on adorable foibles. Sneezing, especially for the first time, doesn’t come with an instruction manual, and if...
Did he or didn’t he? That’s the question setting tabloids abuzz nationwide this week after singer Gwen Stefani, like Channing Tatum before her, took to Instagram to welcome the newest...
Champion thoroughbred and prominent stallion Gulch passed away Sunday at his home at Old Friends Farm in Georgetown, KY. At age 32, Gulch was the oldest living Breeders’ Cup champion,...
Why the long face? Hmm, perhaps because of a little thing called loneliness? We love our critters, and most of the time, they love us back. But it's only natural...
The dating scene is hard. Very hard. And while there are lots of fish out in that sea, the not-so-rare equestrian girl is a unique species. It takes a special,...
You love horses and your dream is to ride with confidence and joy. But right now your fears are getting in the way of enjoying time in the saddle. What...
Whenever I tell people (that aren’t horse-y) that I have a horse, I usually always get the same response, and it’s usually a response filled with wonder and awe. If you...
Some horses need time and training to learn how to negotiate a jump. Like this one, who’s clearly doesn’t understand the purpose of canter rails. At all. [caption id="attachment_3796" align="alignnone"...
When a horse refuses a jump on course in competition any manner of disasters can happen. You might get pitched onto the ground or into the jump. You could get caught...
Rafael Pease just wanted to catch some fresh powder on his 21st birthday. But the snowboarder got more than he bargained for when he discovered a stranded horse, trapped in four feet...
Shortly after I met my husband Ian for the first time, he expressed a disinterest in meeting my horse, Katie, who at the time was in her mid 20’s. She...
There’s cute. There’s adorable. There’s even adorably cute. Then, there’s stuff like this that transcends endearing superlative. According to the video shared bySterling Bartow, this is a three-day-old miniature horse...
Oh, hey. Feel like having your heart ripped out, squeezed to the brink of despair and then wrung dry? It’s your lucky day! Kleenex has just the thing to fit that tall...
If you’ve been the recipient of any of these pickup lines in the past, well, then, you have our condolences…Oh wait. What’s that? You guys are married now? Oh wow, that’s SO great…...
We ask a lot of our horses—Faster! Slower! Jump this! Halt here! Come! Go! Whoa, whoa, whoa!—but do we ever stop and ask them what they want? Watch and learn....
[caption id="attachment_422" align="alignnone" width="640"] Smokey leads American Pharoah onto the track for a jog on Friday morning.[/caption] “He’s my favorite horse in the barn,” Baffert boasted. “He’s such a cool...
Small children riding patient ponies is always a recipe for cute. But a small child nearly falling off a well-behaved pony, in slow motion, then recovering to finish his pattern and canter home hands-free?...
Chances are, somewhere back in your training history, there was a horse or many different horses that helped to make you the rider you are today. There was the kindly soul who...