Channel Archives: Community

Letting Go of Mary Lou

Animals do not have the free will to pick their owners and pick their jobs. That is always decided for them. I like to think that in a perfect world...

Not Your Typical Horse Sport

Cedar Creek, VA. The year, 2004. My mother and I packed our bags and prepared for battle. We joined up with a few friends and embarked on the long drive from...

The Legend of Gravity Hill

It was the summer of 1969 and I had just completed my sophomore year at Notre Dame High School in Lawrenceville, NJ. I was proud to be a member of...

Learning to Fall

The truck lurched. Then again. My stomach jolted to my throat. We heard a loud bang, and the truck swerved. “What was that?” I bolted upright, peering over at Dad...

Saddle Up Your ‘Someday’

“No matter where you go... there you are.” This quote actually comes to us from Confucius, the well known Chinese teacher, editor, politician and philosopher who lived between 551 and...

Blurred Lines in the Horse World

The barn where I grew up riding had a clear line between two people: the boarders and the riding school people. In other words, money versus no money. And in...

11 Ways to Get Out of a Horse Slump

At some point in time we have all been there, a place we thought couldn't possibly exist—the horse slump. Although it's hard to admit you're in one, it's a place that...

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