Ireland is a country rich in history, tradition, and pride in its national heritage. If pressed to select just a couple of its greatest international exports, you wouldn’t be wrong to say its poets, its timeless literature, or its inspiring musical legacy. But if it were me, I’d go with that perfect black stout and its many, enduring contributions to equestrian sport.
Happily, there’s no need to choose thanks to a new ad by none other than Guinness, itself, just in time for this month’s Galway Races (July 25-31). The commercial’s unapologetic theme—what does it take to make a horse great?—is a question that horse people around the world have been asking themselves for centuries. The answer, whether you’re a famous trainer or the humblest stable boy, is always the same: early mornings, long days, and plenty of blood, sweat, and tears.
We think Guinness hits this one out of the park. You will too.