If you have kids or have ever worked as a babysitter, then you’re probably familiar with the pre-bedtime ritual. Books need to be read cover to cover, plus you have to do “all the voices.” Pillows and stuffed animals need to be arranged in their customary places. The blankie needs to be folded just so. And then, if you’re very lucky, you might just be able to sneak out the door without waking the kid, and starting the whole process over again.
For Weatherford, Texas-based trainer Matt Gaines, however, this sort of nightly ritual isn’t just for children. It’s a part of night check for his horses, too. Or at least, it’s part of night check for one, very particular cutting horse named Smooth Nu Cat, owned by his clients Gary and Shannon Barker.
According to Gaines’ post, the four-year-old really loves to be scratched and isn’t afraid to help things along if his humans happen to be falling down on the job. Enjoy.