And then the rains came…
The Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF) in Wellington, Florida has been cancelled for the second consecutive day. It’s the third time inclement weather has pushed the show under water this season. Apparently, Mother Nature didn’t get the memo that equestrian snowbirds planned on jumping their horses under palm trees this winter. Slacker.
What will they do now that the rings are flooded—again? We have a few suggestions.
1. Brush your horse
Grooming = love. Put your SmartPhone down and spend a little quality time currying your horse. The world won’t end. Well, maybe it will what with the apocalyptic flooding coming your way. But that’s all the more reason to get your bond on with your equine bestie. THE TIME IS NIGH.

2. Free time? Drink some wine!
If you ever needed an excuse for day drinking, here it is. Also, you can do it while brushing your horse. He won’t mind.

3. Host a treasure hunt.
Non-stop rain have you bored at the barn? Hide your friend’s car keys and watch the fun unfold!

4. Build an ark.
Seriously. Florida is under a lot of water. It might be the most efficient way to get around.

5. School the water jump.
It’s called immersion therapy and it’ll instantly overcome your horse’s fear of the water jump in one terrifying round swim. And/or give him a lifetime of phobia of the washrack.

Canadian Grand Prix Rider Kim Farlinger. ©Terri Brent
6. Invent a new sport!
There’s water polo. Why not water show jumping? Splash hunters? DEEP SEA DRESSAGE?

©Amy Masterson
7. Appeal to the sun gods.
Rain dances are meant to summon the rain. This is the opposite of that and is proven to be equally effective. Or at least all that wine you’ve had by now will make it feel that way.

8. Rubber duck races!
It’s a thing. And it too probably involved wine.
9. No really, go brush your horse.
Rain days are for horses, too. The wine is not.