Author Archives: Carley Sparks

Thibeau Spits Rising in Riesenbeck

Thibeau Spits has added his name to the LGCT Super Cup start list. The 23-year-old Belgian and Impress-K van 't Kattenheye Z beat veteran combination Marcus Ehning and Coolio 42...

Doha Falcons Take Flight

If there is an optimal time to make a move in a team standings race, a mid-season blind side is a solid strategy. Especially if you're an underdog. And even...

Erynn Ballard Has Reached the Tipping Point

Tipping point: the critical point in a situation, process, or system beyond which a significant and often unstoppable effect or change takes place. —Miriam Webster Dictionary It's no secret that success...

Messi Can’t Miss

Janne Friederike Meyer-Zimmermann was motivated heading into the Longines Global Champions Tour Grand Prix of Cannes. Motivated by her team, the Cannes Stars. Motivated by the home crowd on the...

Erynn Ballard Makes Her 5* Mark

“I said to Ilan [Ferder] before I walked in, ‘I'm going fast, right?’” shared Erynn Ballard of the moment before she rode into the tbird Arena to contest Gregory Bodo's...

Nayel Nassar Was Swayed by the Stats

When Nayel Nassar was looking to add to his string last year, Ivory Tcs, campaigned by Ireland's Daniel Coyle, ticked all the boxes. “She's the right age. She's totally my...

All Signs Point to Casturano

Casturano came to Canada by way of Fairway Farms and a fortunate phone call. “He was in North Germany as a young horse with a very good professional that I...

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