Channel Archives: Video

Dating a Horse Girl

The dating scene is hard. Very hard. And while there are lots of fish out in that sea, the not-so-rare equestrian girl is a unique species. It takes a special,...

Eddie Izzard’s (Hilarious) Guide to Dressage

Stand-up comedian Eddie Izzard explains dressage. (“It’s brilliant! It’s just useless.”) And shares his suggestions for giving the sport more public appeal. (“Dressage a la burglar!”) Live at the Apollo! (In 2014)

Brett Kidding’s Thoughts While Riding His First Grand Prix

And people say dressage riders don’t have a sense of humor… (Watch for the Carl Hester cameo at the end!) [fb-video src=''] When he’s not busy posing as dressage rider extraordinaire “Brett Kidding,”...