Category Archives: Training

Practicing Perfection

How often have you gone through the motions of your ride, kind of touching on things you really need to work on, but only settling for a '7 out of...

Ground Manners for the Horse’s Ass

The advantage of a horse’s powerful hindquarters is that one lightning-fast hoof strike can end an argument with a mountain lion. Instantly. The drawback of that fact is that when...

A Hard Lesson For Horsemen

We all know how many things there are about which we can say, "I wish I'd known then what I know now." For me, one of the most profound, as...

How to Fix a Horse That Kicks

Have you ever dealt with a horse with an unsafe hind end? You know, the type that could wheel around, kick you in the forehead and land you in the...

Warm Me Up Before You Go-Go

When we work horses, especially young ones, we ask them to give us not only their total focus but also a very high degree of physical exertion. As with human...

A Matter of Trust

We have all been in a trust exercise at some point in our lives. Your boss gathers your coworkers, or the RA your freshman year of college gathers your fellow undergrads,...

How to Bounce Back From Bad Habits

You may have heard the expression “practice makes perfect." You may have also heard this clarified to mean "perfect practice makes perfect." In other words, you have to watch carefully...

How to Ride Safely Over Spooky Ground

Sparkling white lines and broad swathes of color denoting bike lanes and crosswalks—to us, they are provided to ensure our safety, but so often our horses perceive them as terrifying...

Drugs In The Hunters: The Solution

There is a lot of recent discussion about the hunter divisions and the many problems surrounding the sport. This is a topic that has been debated since the 1970's when...

At the Trot: to Sit or Post?

As an equine fitness specialist my job is always to ask how we can improve the horse’s body. One of the simplest ways we can do this in daily riding...

Learning to Love the Plateau

In any discipline, reaching a plateau is an inevitable part of the training process. A horse and rider can’t grow in leaps and bounds with every single ride. The plateau...