Author Archives: John P Haime

Step Back to Move Forward

The title of this article is out of character for me. Rarely will I ever suggest to someone who wants to achieve something in performance to step back and slow...

OMG, Did You Hear…?!

I was recently at a summer show and talking to a very experienced coach who asked me if I could do a session at the barn for her riders. “The...

From the Boardroom to the Barn

I was recently working with a C-suite professional on developing a number of performance and leadership pieces and made the comment to her that these ideas could be directly transferable...

Own the Moment in 2019

As we wind down to the end of 2018, we start looking forward to what might be possible for us in 2019. Will it be my best year ever with...

7 Ways to Conquer Your Riding Fears

“Named must your fear be before banish it you can.” — Yoda The wisdom of that master Jedi also applies to riding—identifying your fears is the first step toward conquering...