Author Archives: Eleanor Kellon, VMD

Hind Gut Acidity

Hind gut acidity, sometimes used synonymously with hind gut ulcers, is blamed for a staggering array of signs ranging from poor appetite, cracked hooves, right hind lameness and any undesirable...

The Weanling Diet

Weanlings have intensive nutritional needs and you shouldn’t start feeding them like a smaller version of an adult. Nutrient dense diets are those that have high levels of protein/amino acids...

Stay Ahead of Fall Laminitis

There are many possible causes of laminitis but the vast majority of cases have a hormonal/endocrine root. There is a peak in the spring, related to grazing young, high sugar...

Horse Health Myths and Legends

We can all think of at least one old horse care myth that has been debunked but continues to this day. One of the most persistent is that fructan causes...

Summer Coat and Skin Care Tips

Even if your horse has no skin allergies and manages to avoid wounds or infections, summer still poses threats to the skin and coat. Bleaching and fading related to sun...

On the Muscle

From sales yearlings to seniors, pleasure trail horses to upper echelon competitors, caretakers and owners are attuned to muscle bulk. Additionally, muscle dysfunction or pain is a grossly under-appreciated cause...


You’ve heard the phrase “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a duck." That is an example of abductive reasoning, more accurately inference, where...

The Truth About “Hind Gut Ulcers”

It’s difficult to go anywhere online (and probably off) where people are talking about horses without having something come up about hind gut ulcers, symptoms and treatments. There are even...

Horses and the Heat: Fact vs. Fiction

Working horses in summer heat creates some significant welfare issues with consequences as severe as death. Research has provided some very valuable information but despite this there are still many...