Day One of WEG is complete.
The riders have ridden, the spectators have spectated, and the construction workers have continued to construct. And while things are starting to move smoothly, there’s still been plenty of time to gather in the shuttle bus lines and talk some gossip. Here are the top nine rumors heard around the vendor booths from the second day of this historic event.
1. Tryon has hired an elite team of elves to work at night.
I’m not sure how else to explain the sidewalks, roads, and other overnight improvements to the venue, other than to assume that this rumor is true, and Tryon has secretly hired a specialized team of concrete laying elves armed with boundless energy and an arsenal of “Tryon 2018” tools. Some say if you leave your pair of tall boots outside your room at night, the zippers and soles will be repaired in the morning. Magic.
2. All the event signs were stolen by a disgruntled employee.
Maybe it’s just my terrible natural sense of direction (or lack thereof), but I’ve had no less than three WEG volunteers say “Hey! You’re not supposed to be here. How did you get back here?” To which I usually respond “Isn’t this the line for the bar?”
The volunteers are doing a great job directing people, but it seems like there should be something that says “Hey! Dressage is over there!” or “Keep out! We’re really serious this time, Aubrey.” The missing signs seem suspicious, although the whole thing might just be a ploy to get me to wander into the Dover saddlery for the hundredth time. Well played, Tryon.

©FEI/Liz Gregg
3. Island Soba Noodles wasn’t actually out of noodles today, they were just really tired of cooking for everybody.
Word on the street is that the noodle place has the most amazing food at WEG. I was excited today when the line finally appeared non-existent, because the only thing better than eating noodles is eating noodles without waiting in line. Unfortunately, the very nice lady working the booth informed my friend and I that they were out of supplies. She seemed a little too eager to be taking a break, and while it might have been because she had been working hard for two days, it might also have been because the lack of noodles was a lie. You be the judge.
4. A shuttle bus full of spectators disappeared on the way to WEG and now they haunt the parking lot and steeplechase track.
The current rumor in the Legends Club is that if you listen on quiet nights, you can hear the sound of 50 people complaining about the muddy parking lot. One woman even told me that if you’re caught separated from your shuttle bus group, the ghosts of the missing spectators will corner you and demand a refund for their WEG tickets. Spooky stuff.
5. The reining arena has AC and is beautiful sanctuary of cool temperatures and volunteers gently fanning spectators.
False. So completely false. Go and watch the awesome reining horses and the riders because they’re awesome (especially Team USA who recently took home the gold), but expect to sweat out all of your $4 bottle of water while you do it. It is hot in there, folks.

Grisha Ludwig and Ruf Lil Diamond ©FEI/Liz Gregg
6. Speaking of water bottles, there does exist a water bottle filling station. But it’s hidden behind a fake wall a la a 1920s speakeasy.
True. It’s hidden behind Rogers Diner, and the password is “Tsetserleg”. Dress code of Dubarry boots and polo shirt strictly enforced.
7. There are alligators hiding in the porta potties.
I can neither confirm nor deny this, because… ew. If you’d like to stare into the depths of the pit toilets to try and answer this one, be my guest. Until then, the mystery remains unsolved for another day.
8. Instead of ticket scalpers, there are people selling their places in the shuttle bus line on the WEG black market.
Other items on the black market include clear plastic backpacks, rainboots, and tickets to the seats on the shaded side of the Tryon stadium. They’re a pretty hot commodity right now.
9. Hurricane Florence was created by Tryon as part of a massive cover-up.
It’s the perfect cover in case WEG doesn’t go according to plan. Who can point fingers when a Category 27 (or whatever Florence is now) hurricane hits your venue? I don’t have any facts to back this one up, but I smell the sour stench of foul play.
So keep your ears peeled around the arenas everyone. While the alligator rumor might be a lie, you’ll never know when you might hear whispers about the best place to buy a lemonade or a tip about a free Land Rover mug giveaway at the vendor booths. Or maybe just where to find some good shade in the hot Carolina sun.
About the Author
When Aubrey Moore isn’t riding her horse Flynn, new pony or doing near-constant maintenance on her truck, she can be found with a glass of wine in hand, chatting happily with her cat Frankie.