We are officially T-minus two hours from the start of Rolex Kentucky 2016, and already the excitement is palpable. The horses have arrived, the stall curtains have been hung by the rafters with care, and in no time at all, the First Horse Inspection will be here.
In preparation for U.S. eventing’s BEST. WEEKEND. EVER., here’s a roundup of what our favorite players—both two- and-four-legged—have been up to so far.
The international horses are officially in ‘da house:
Foreign horses have arrived safely @KyHorsePark! It's starting!!! #BestWeekendAllYear #RK3DE pic.twitter.com/c3A7vKVVqE
— Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event (@KyThreeDayEvent) April 24, 2016
Rolex vets Laine Ashker and “Al” (Anthony Patch) are also settling in.
(And looking pretty fly, if we might say so.)
We hope this Jay Z song is on their pre-ride soundtrack, just saying.
Meanwhile, the lake serpents are getting their final haircuts.
And just like that the serpent at the #RK3DE Head of the Lake begins to appear. #XC @woodhorsestudio pic.twitter.com/WVc1aaE3Si
— Defender Kentucky Three-Day Event (@KyThreeDayEvent) April 26, 2016
Michael Jung’s FischerRocona FST has her game face on. (Can she go two for two?)
FischerRocana settled in and looking good @KyHorsePark #RK3DE pic.twitter.com/FhLilaEV4Q
— German Eventing (@GermanEventing) April 25, 2016
Also pumped: Leah Lang Gluscic’s OTTB wonder horse, AP Prime, who’s getting in some last-minute dressage schooling:
Boyd Martin’s triple threat (Steady Eddie, Shamwari 4, and Blackfoot Mystery) are ready for their close-ups:
The Ogilvy gang is up to their elbows in saddle pads…
And Horse Network will be there too!
Get an extra hop in your step and pump a fist cause it's @RolexKentucky Week, y'all. #RK3DE pic.twitter.com/YUwY4ahHXw
— Horse Network (@HorseNetwrk) April 25, 2016