Tag Archives: Rolex Kentucky

Rolex Kentucky Is Now Just Kentucky

The ultimate target for any brand is to become synonymous with a certain experience. For a runny nose there's Kleenex. Q-Tips keep your ears clean, Chap Stick helps maintain smooth,...

Horse Rehab With Will Coleman

What a difference a year can make. Back in April of 2015, Olympian Will Coleman finished 6th overall at the Rolex Kentucky CCI4* on his then 12-year-old Irish Sport Horse...

Jung Again!

In the 39-year history of the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event, presented by Land Rover, only three riders have ever managed to win two years in a row. But Michael Jung...

Rolex Saturday Belongs to Jung

In a result that surprises no one, Germany's Michael Jung is once again sitting atop the leaderboard at the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event, presented by Land Rover. He added just...

Meet Me at Rolex

A few weeks before April every year the text messages start: “Are you going to Rolex?” They carpool from two towns over, fly across the country, travel from the other side...

Relive #Rolex2016 in 140 Characters or Fewer

We came. We saw. We tweeted. Relive the magic that was the Best Weekend All Year—the 2016 Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event. https://twitter.com/katiewegman/status/723687805298331648 https://twitter.com/waggonergrace32/status/714280927946473472 https://twitter.com/huntrprincess55/status/712084810492030978 https://twitter.com/TBaftercare/status/723514200392347648 https://twitter.com/HorseNetwrk/status/725401929480851456 https://twitter.com/HorseHubby/status/723511542839402496 https://twitter.com/arielesusername/status/726471501763866625 https://twitter.com/DatingMyHorse/status/726062825014202368 https://twitter.com/BourbonNbays/status/725641428936851456 https://twitter.com/Mshoop/status/726804434290876417...

Should I Bring My Dog to Rolex?

Most outdoor horse shows happily serve as secondary dog parks, which is fantastic because dogs are the best and horses are the best and everything is perfect. Our pups live...