A return to normal—or at least, a new normal—is on the horizon as the USEF announced Wednesday that recognized competitions would return June 1. “New normal” is the operative phrase...
COVID-19 restrictions have led organizers to cancel equestrian competitions and other events nationwide—but at what cost? We caught up with Derek Braun, founder and president of the Split Rock Jumping...
You’ve packed your horse’s finest sheets, scrubbed him within an inch of his life, polished your tack, and made sure that your show clothes are pristine. After a long day...
This week, more than 500 of the top national and international horses and riders in the world are coming together in Washington, D.C. for the 58th annual Washington International Horse Show...
I have the exact same feelings about riding roller coasters as I do about competing, especially in the jumper ring. If you ask me on any regular day when I'm...
I survived my first summer in Florida. I didn’t think I would since I barely survived summers in New Jersey, where I moved from last November. I came here to...
This article was written by Marcella Peyre-Ferry and was originally published in Saddle & Bridle. It is reprinted here with consent. There are horse shows that go on for years...
Catch Me and Scott Stewart may be running out of room for blue ribbons. This week at The Capital Challenge Horse Show, the duo emerged victorious once again while squaring...
The horse show… it can be exciting, nerve-wracking, exhilarating—and completely and utterly exhausting. Equestrians feel a range of different emotions leading up to and during horse shows. Here are the...
In its nearly 120-year history, the Devon Horse Show in Pennsylvania has worn many hats. Founded at the turn-of-the-century by a pragmatic group of country gentlemen looking to improve their carriage...
I've gone on at length about the reasons people don't usually choose grooming as their lifelong career. But then, why do I recommend it to every horse lover I know? Why...
We all remember Steve Irwin, and to be honest, this writer always had a little thing for him. What wasn't to love? Brave, loud, theatrically crazy and kinda adorable. Could there be anything better...