If you live in the California valley, no doubt you have called upon Laura Cameron for a barn visit around show time for body clips. Not just any body clip mind you, but the fun, unique kind that lets you express your individuality, style, charisma… oh ok… you wanted to ride a freakin’ pegasus at the show.
For those of you planning out your mounted costumes for Halloween themed show around the country, this girl will travel!
It all started when Cameron was working in Ohio. “I thought it would be fun for the horses to have something fun that represented their names,” she said. It has since grown to full body detailing— giraffes, zebras, hot rod flames, you name it, she will find a way to clip it. Much of her body clips are freehand, occasionally starting with a handmade stencil or just drawing directly on her “canvas” with a marker.
” I am a perfectionist so it takes me a while! Going to start this season off with a simple heart shaped Union Jack for an English friend!”
Interested? You can reach Cameron at clipmyride@gmail.com or follow her on Instagram @Clip_my_ride.