There are so many things our horses do for us that it’s only fair we try to provide them the royal treatment. Here are just a few reasons to thank your four-legged friends every day.
1. For keeping you sane—or not, depending on how you look at it.
“All horse people are crazy” is something you’ve probably heard at least once in your life (or today). And if you haven’t, you’re probably not doing it right. If we’re all crazy, why is it that ten minutes on the back of your favorite horse can make you forget everything that makes your life so hectic? And why is it that your horse is sometimes the only thing that can make you feel sane? This, my friends, is because horses are the best medicine. Yes, they may break something every once in a while (or five times a day…details people, details), or get a little too frisky some days (on your birthday, perhaps), but that doesn’t mean we don’t love every second of it.
2. For saving your life on a regular basis.
Let’s face it: riding around and leaping sticks on a 1200lb. animal is not exactly the safest thing in the world. Our equine friends are large enough to crush us with one wrong step. Lucky for us, they often choose to get us out of trouble rather than into it. Sometimes, this means politely coming to a halt in front of the jump to avoid total destruction, encouraging us to try to do it a little better next time and less like a flailing monkey. Other times, it means making a long spot look like no problem, even when you’re a tad nervous it might not work out (and the pictures document the look of pure terror on your face). Maybe it means pausing a step to make sure you’re not going to fly over their ears when you decide to ride bareback in the middle of a blizzard after they haven’t been ridden in a week. Whether it’s literal life saving or emotional life saving, our four-legged pals have got it covered.
3. For being cute.
There’s nothing better than being greeted by a cute pony face with ears pricked forward every morning. Who doesn’t love a horse who’s happy to see you (regardless of their reasons)? They are especially cute when they do things they’re really not supposed to but have a great time doing. Like knocking over anything and everything—or throwing their neatly folded blankets on the ground. Sometimes they are the cutest when they’re not even trying to be.
4. For putting up with annoying human shenanigans.
Raise your hand if you have ever put a hat of any kind on your horse’s head! Guilty. Who doesn’t love taking photos of their horses wearing hats? Or sometimes full-body costumes. Halloween has to be the most confusing time of year for them. Imagine thinking you’re a horse and then being told you’re a bumblebee or a clown? That has to be a serious identity crisis. Even when they’re being dressed up, our horsey friends humor us by being as good-natured as ever.
5. For being the best listeners.
It is a really great thing that horses can’t talk so that we can make up their responses for them. Sometimes I have full conversations with myself without even realizing it. They never judge, even when you tell them your deepest, darkest secrets. You can cry to them all you want, and they will always be there to make you feel better. Sometimes, they just know when you’re upset and make sure to be extra well behaved. Who needs a therapist when you have a horse to talk to? And after you spend all of your money on them you probably won’t be able to afford one anyway.
6. Providing entertainment.
Whether they are playing with their imaginary friend in turnout or spooking at footing that’s not quite like the rest, horses are always there to keep things interesting. Finding out they like to eat cool human foods can be life changing, and maybe a little dangerous for food left unattended. Seriously though, people sit for hours and watch horses perform at competitions. From show jumping to dressage, their athletic ability and intelligence are remarkable to witness.
7. For being your best friend.
What would life be without a four-legged best friend? They know all of your secrets and they’re always the happiest to see you. Horses provide comfort when we need it and exhilarating fun when we’re on their backs. Sometimes, they even join us on the couch to watch our favorite TV shows (maybe that was just a dream I had). Having a horse in your life will make you a better person, and knowing the love of a horsey best friend is a feeling that you’ll never forget.
About the Author
Alex Carlton has been an avid hunter/jumper rider for as long as she can remember. A senior at the University of Vermont, she is a co-captain of their IHSA team. She competes in intercollegiate competitions as well as horse shows up and down the east coast.