Category Archives: Life

I Think I Have Gangrene on My Bum

You know what I’m talking about. It’s murmured in dark aisles and unlit corners of tack shops. One female rider sidles up to another and whispers the horrid word. Chafing....

A Life of Showmanship

When I was a small child I earned the nickname "Ramrod". My beloved Uncle Bob would giggle as he watched my evil pony attempt to unmount me time and time...

Horses as Pets. Horses as Athletes.

Horse owners get a lot of questions from curious "outsiders" about horse ownership, horses themselves, and the “bond” between horse and rider. I am frequently asked if my horses are...

Things Barn Friends Say

No matter where you live, what your discipline, or how fancy your stable is, one thing is for certain: barn friendships are the best kinds of friendships, and they're pretty much all...

A Barn Family

I can remember the woman striding towards me down the cement aisle way, the heels of her paddock boots clinking with each step. Her bright blue eyes squinting into the...

Ode To The “Farmily”

When you get there in the morning, do you feel like you're home? When you look around at the grooms, riders, and trainers do you think "This is my crew,...

ABCs of Being a Groom

B is for boots Splint boots. Open fronts. Bell boots. Shipping boots. Grooms need to know their boots. Some poor saps even have to polish those of their riders. C...

Defending the Suck

I was emailed by the United States Equestrian Federation last week with an inquiry. Someone had filed a complaint into my amateur status and they were asking for a rebuttal....

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