I have sold quite a few horses. Some for a lot of money, some for a little. Some which had training for years and are solid citizens at their discipline,...
The supposed health benefits of red wine have been touted for centuries, and more recently, scientists have taken a closer look at one specific compound contained in red grape skin:...
For all the added wisdom our older horses possess, Father Time remains undefeated in limiting the physical ability and general soundness of our aging equines. On average, horses begin to see the...
Hind gut acidity, sometimes used synonymously with hind gut ulcers, is blamed for a staggering array of signs ranging from poor appetite, cracked hooves, right hind lameness and any undesirable...
"Visualizing lameness is an art," Dr. Larry Caudill tells me on a bitter winter morning at the Thoroughbred Training Center in Lexington, KY. Nearby, a cavalcade of hooves pepper the pavement...
With all the joint supplement options out there it’s difficult to make a choice. As a general guide, upper level athletes and horses working on hard ground or over difficult...
The line between work and play is rather blurry for Dr. Ashlee Watts. As an equine orthopedic surgeon, researcher and instructor at Texas A&M University, Dr. Watts is all horse,...
You’ve heard the phrase “If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it must be a duck." That is an example of abductive reasoning, more accurately inference, where...