Tag Archives: horse

Bitten and Smitten

I remember the day as if it were yesterday. It was at a barn on the side of the highway with a crooked sign reading “Trail Rides,” a barn full...

Things Overheard at the Horse Show

Hang around the back gate at any horse show and you'll hear some things...wise words will be spoken, so too will the four-lettered variety. Words of hope, regret and pride fill...

Overheard in the Horse Show Office

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oztL8EeGixM You know that expression, there are no stupid questions, just stupid answers? That expression doesn't apply to the horse show office. As any wise, battle-seasoned veteran show office employee will tell you, as...

10 Animals Who Discovered Horseback Riding

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvruXl4Gktw We've all had some happy, sad, frustrating, scary, hilarious, lazy, you-name-the-adjective times on our horse's back. Animals are no exception. Here are 10 times when animals discovered the mystical journey...

18 Show Moms That Just Shouldn’t

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuPOh0veN3g We all know show moms are deserving of our thanks. They are the holders of ponies, the wipers of tears, and the payers of bills—the defenders of our walk-trot honor....

11 Things All Short Riders Know to Be True

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6ZKo9OlBGo Not every rider can be born with the tall, lithe physique that Biq Equitation dreams are made of. You may not have long legs, a tall, straight back or that textbook seat...

Horse Show Mornings: Rise and Shine

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pGXxOiGYsjk Ah, show week. It's finally here, and you totally, probably, quite possibly got this. Visions of clear rounds and a perfect half-pass have you up and at 'em well...