We have all made sacrifices to be a part of this horsey way of life. Forever past are the days of grabbing your flip flops and spending a lazy Saturday morning at the coffee shop. Backless sleeveless dresses are a non options as you have a permanent set of short sleeves burned into your flesh from your lesson polos. It is a shared pain, and here are a few of them…
1. Lovely hands
Your Palmolive dreams may be over, but you’re still a prime candidate to represent Summer’s Eve.

photo courtesy Kristin Hardin
2. Starbucks
Whether for monetary or dietary reasons. We know you tell yourself “this is my last one” every time you hit the drive thru on the way to the show.

photo courtesy Kristin Long Thornton
3. New clothes
Unless they are new riding clothes. Then you are all over that s**t.
But need to run to the grocery store? Yeah, rags. It’s all you have because you just bought a color coordinating saddle pad, polo wraps and show shirt.
4. That really hot guy
He was so dreamy…and then you told him about that time the horse died in the arena at a local show—and he laughed.
So you left him. (Yes, Dustin, I am talking about you.)
5. Saturday Nights
Grand Prix, Hunter Derby, BBQ, whatever. It is not date night unless he gives in and heads out to join you.
6. A Big House
Your horse has better digs then you. Admit it.
7. A Balanced Diet
Starbucks. 12 hours at the show. And the taco truck. Need I say more?
8. Sleeping in
Sleeping in is reserved for days that end in “never”. Because if you dare to sleep until 6:00am, Daisy is going to kick her door down, run down main street and jump a Fiat to get to the delectables at the Farmer’s Market down the road. Again.