‘Have a purebred Arabian, will travel’ could be the official slogan of the new €17 million international championship series showcasing the beauty, grace, and legacy of Arabian horses. Modeled after—and...
As horse owners, we all have enough to worry about. Horses are constantly determined to do themselves harm. You can literally put them in a padded room and they will...
As a lifelong owner and lover of the Arabian Horse, I have had occasion to hear a lot of things about the breed. Most people—equestrians and non-equestrians alike—will immediately notice...
It's thought to be the oldest breed of riding horse, its distinctive dished nose, wide-set eyes, and large, flared nostrils—that once helped these early chariot horses dissipate heat in the desert—the...
Having been a lifelong owner and exhibitor of Arabian horses, I always seem to find myself in the position of being the resident “question/answerer” about the breed among friends and...