Channel Archives: Community

Emptying Out the Mind of a Judge

It's the end of summer with many shows already in the rear view mirror. Here are some random thoughts from my judging adventures. [show-list] Well, that's it for now!  Hope everyone...

5 Ways to Help Your Trainer Help You

Your trainer helps you with your horse in special, invaluable ways. They teach, demonstrate, encourage, cajole, enlighten, cheerlead, remind, remind again, motivate, facilitate, remind yet again, and generally provide you...

Horses as Pets. Horses as Athletes.

Horse owners get a lot of questions from curious "outsiders" about horse ownership, horses themselves, and the “bond” between horse and rider. I am frequently asked if my horses are...

A Horsewoman Scorned

“He hit me again.” “Can you see this bruise?” “It wasn’t his fault, I was in his way.” These were the messages my girlfriends received most of the last two...

A Matter of Trust

We have all been in a trust exercise at some point in our lives. Your boss gathers your coworkers, or the RA your freshman year of college gathers your fellow undergrads,...

How to Bounce Back From Bad Habits

You may have heard the expression “practice makes perfect." You may have also heard this clarified to mean "perfect practice makes perfect." In other words, you have to watch carefully...

The Gift of Manure

A dear friend and intuitive healer used to say that adversity, sorrow and suffering are actually gifts of manure. She explained to me long ago, that in times of hardship,...

Love the One You’re With

I went on vacation last week, and as a guilty pleasure, picked up one of my moms romance novels. It was titled “Love The One You’re With” by Emily Giffin,...

How to [Not] Tame a Wild Mustang

We got a call one cold winter night from the US Forest Service. Apparently, they'd heard that I'm a softie for any person or animal in need because the caller...

A Barn Family

I can remember the woman striding towards me down the cement aisle way, the heels of her paddock boots clinking with each step. Her bright blue eyes squinting into the...

Jorge and the #BummerSummer

Some people don’t believe in love at first sight. And frankly, neither do I. But from the very first moment, he was brought in from the pasture and promptly attempted...

May Angels Lead You In

“One little song—give me the strength to leave the sad…bur[ied] safely in the past…” sing the Avett Brothers. They know that music has the power to heal us when life...

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