Twenty twenty-three had its moments, as the seasons are wont to do.
Some made us cry. Others made us cry laughing. Some made us reflect. And still others made us reconsider everything we hold dear.
These were the top stories of the year that made us laugh, hit us in the feels, and/or gave us pause in the year that was.
Stories that made us laugh
Nina Fedrizzi’s satire column inspires laughter and outrage in equal measure. These were Horse Network’s best satire stories of 2023. None of it is true. But all of it hits a little too close to home…
Stories that made us cry
Life’s hardest moments often bring out the best in people—and teach us to look at the world, life, ourselves in new ways. These stories did precisely that.
Stories that made us think
It’ll come as no surprise that ethologist Renate Larssen figures prominently in this list. She has a unique way of making you rethink every core belief you have about horses through the lens of science. But first up is a mother’s insights on surviving sexual misconduct and how we create a happier and healthier future for young athletes.
Thank you for the memories! And for being here with us. It’s been real, 2023.