The quotes are real. The grammar is spotty. And the logic, well, see for yourself…
1. “MY MOM makes me wear a helmet and I’ve been riding for a very long time.”
Everyone knows, moms are THE WORST! What with all that caring-about-your-well-being nonsense. Pffft.
2. “More people get killed or injured riding horses wearing helmets than those who don’t wear them.”
It’s a conspiracy to protect your brain parts. Open your eyes people!
3. “They don’t do anything to help so haters go suck a helmet.”
YEAH! Wait, what?
4. “Some people don’t walk there dogs on leads because they don’t want to, well some people don’t let there cats outside BECAUSE ITS THERE LIFE! some people don’t keep rabbits in there cages BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT TO, AND SOME PEOPLE DON’T WANT TO WEAR HELMETS FOR HORSE RIDING BUT ITS THERE CHOICE !!!!!!!”
Pop quiz: One of these things is not like the others.
5. “There are benefits to wearing a helmet and there are benefits to not wearing a helmet.”
YASSS. Benefit of a helmet: not dying. Benefit of not wearing a helmet: no helmet hair. It’s a doozy.
6. “The reason people wear helmets is protection, but they also give a false sense of security, usually giving them the confidence to ride more dangerously so that’s another con.”
So what you’re saying is safety precautions are actually a hazard to your health. Interesting.
7. “There are these girls that are like 12 years old and telling me how I am not safe and I should wear a helmet because one of them had a sister that got brain damage from not wearing a helmet. Their so uuhh…”
Translation: “You’re very real concern for my safety is, like, totes annoying.”
8. “I never wear a helmet. They’re obnoxious and uncomfortable and unless your a newby, you shouldn’t be falling off that often.”
We’re going to venture out on a limb here and say that Olympians Courtney King Dye and William Fox-Pitt probably disagree with that assessment. But, hey, what to they know about traumatic brain injuries?
9. “I don’t wear helmets bc I trust my horse just how I trust any animal.”
10. “i’ve never worn or owned a helmet. the only reason i think i or anyone should wear a helmet is if i or they are riding a dangerous horse.”
Or perhaps are in a dangerous sport? LIKE RIDING.
11. “It makes me mad when people say don’t get on a horse without a helmet. Safety start on the in side of your head, not what is on head.”
This may sound crazy, but perhaps it’s a bit of both?
12. “im not one of those prissy english riders that think they know what their doing im a regular western rider not one of the rice kinds with big fancy horses, houses, saddles, an clothes im just a regular girl.”
‘Cuz helmets are only for the fancy people. So all you fly girls, get out here an’ dance ride.
13. “All a helmet does is keep you from cracking your head open.”
Why in the world would anyone want to prevent that?!
14. “I dont like helmets either because every time i wear one i get a rash on my head and it last for about 4 weeks and my head will hurt so i have to wear my hair in a ponytail.”
May we gently suggest you get a new helmet? That fits your noggin.
15. “I always ride without a helmet because they are stupid that is my opinion tho”
Well, at least we can agree on the opinion part.
16. “and if we bubble wrapped ourselves and only rode on nice soft sand think of all the injuries we could prevent. the argument about taxing the medical system is silly considering the amount of accidents requiring hospitalization is minute.”
Except it’s not.
17. “I don’t ride with a helmet because helmets get on my nerves.”
People who chew with their mouth open, Sunday drivers in the fast lane, SLOW INTERNET—in terms of things that incite inner rage, helmets rank pret-ty low. You know what will get on your nerves? People talking above a whisper when you have a concussion, along with moving faster than a snail and any hint of sunlight. So that sounds fun.
18. “Recently I fell off without a helmet and I was fine.”
Well, that settles it! *rolls eyes dramatically*
Mind your melon. Wear a helmet.
The Universe