They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but writers like to minimize that comparison, lest we be out of a job. Still, there’s no denying that photo-driven stories have the ability at times to convey more than words ever could; transporting us to far off places, capturing that once-in-a-lifetime moment, or just giving us a few seconds pause.
From the Triple Crown and Indian Relay Races to one very naughty pony, here are 10 of our favorite equestrian photo galleries from the last year.
1. 11 Photos That Will Redefine the Way You Look at Horse Photography | Images by Melis Yalvac
“If you haven’t heard of Melis Yalvac yet, take note. She’s going to be the next big thing in equine photography.”
2. The Fishing Horses of Belgium Will Take Your Breath Away | Photos by Gigi Embrechts
“At dawn the beach of Oostduinkerke is abandoned, the seas calm. There is little wind, but the air is cool. The only sounds are the soft, distant creak of wagon wheels and the gentle lapping of the ocean.”
3. Scenes from a Triple Crown | Photos by John Wilkinson
“Saturday, 6:30am. Belmont Park. A muddy tack and lingering rain greet the morning’s athletes and the backside is soupy. It appears business as usual until golf carts filled with Big Cameras begin zooming past.”
4. 12 Gorgeous Wintery Photos of Horses and Steampunk | Images by Best of the West
“Are you familiar with Steampunk? If not, we’ll let this beautiful winter photo shoot by Best of the West introduce it to you.”
5. How I Got the Shot: 5 Questions for Bill Gore, Endurance Photographer | Image by Bill Gore
“I stand with my left foot on one rock, and my right foot on another, and I can look down about 20 feet to the rocks below. I have had horses ride right up to me, where I put my hand onto the horse’s shoulder while the rider and I had a calm conversation as to the best way to proceed from that point.” – Bill Gore
6. “He Feels Your Heart Pounding Through Them Reins” | Photos by Anna Carroll
“The five Indian Relay teams process onto the racetrack and a roar goes up from the grandstand….Horses twist and occasionally body slam into each other. Each rider has a hand on his horse’s mane and is keeping as close as he can, getting ready to fly, listening, waiting, shaking— The gun cracks.”
7. The Incredible Record of Trevor Breen’s One-Eyed Wonder Horse, Adventure de Kannan | Images by the All England Jumping Course, Hickstead
“’No other horse has won such an array of major titles at our shows,’ said Lizzie Bunn, Hickstead Director. ‘We wanted to mark his achievements in some way, so we approached Matthew Seed about creating this very special photoshoot.’”
8. The Day Juanito the Pony Made Leadline Mothers Everywhere Clutch Their Pearls | Images by Attic Photographic
“Things start off okay. Ridiculously cute even… Until Juanito, for unknown reasons, decides to pony—and then everything rapidly deteriorates from there.”
9. 9 Arresting Images of Horses in the First World War | Photos by Various
“The United States joined British and French colonies around the world in delivering up hundreds of thousands of homebred animals to the Allied war effort….Few ever returned home.”
10. “Waterfalls and Horses” is Powerful Stuff | Photos by Garðar Ólafsson
“Icelandic horses are so unique…they are all so beautiful in their own different ways” -Garðar Ólafsson