Category Archives: English

Should I Bring My Dog to Rolex?

Most outdoor horse shows happily serve as secondary dog parks, which is fantastic because dogs are the best and horses are the best and everything is perfect. Our pups live...

That Perfect Ride

That ride. I just had that perfect ride. You know the one – the one where it all clicks. The one where you ask him to move off your left...

Do YOU have Warrior Thinking?

Tough thinking is not pie-in-the-sky thinking: “I am the greatest rider ever! I can beat anyone, anytime!” Sometimes toughness is wrongly associated with arrogance or ego. This could not be...

Hooves and Heels: Rolex Inspection Day

They gathered 'round a soggy Inspection Hill on Wednesday under a volatile Kentucky sky which presented an unmistakable air of wet anxiousness. Dressed for success with their 1500lb. accessories in tow,...

The Trick to Standing Still and Square

Many riders and trainers undervalue the benefits of trick training—you know: teaching your horse to bow, sit, paw or nod on cue…maybe carry things around the barn or arena…and who-knows-what...

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