Twenty twenty-three had its moments, as the seasons are wont to do. Some made us cry. Others made us cry laughing. Some made us reflect. And still others made us...
There’s a well-known saying, “Getting old isn’t for the faint of heart.” I imagine it’s not, but watching your beloved horse grow old is no piece of cake either. Maybe...
A virus may be behind some of the bizarre behaviour that is often observed in the horse obsessed, according to a recent study. Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School...
Like many adult riders, I started my equestrian obsession at a very young age. Since riding lessons at the age of eight, a majority of my life has featured horses at...
This week in "I Can't Believe This Is Really A Thing" we travel to Finland, where a new equestrian sport is gaining some serious steam. Unlike other equestrian endeavors, this discipline...
We first met Monty when he was considered "old". He was adopted into our family when he was 18. His main little rider, Hannah, was just eight years old at...
When I was a kid, I regularly told people that the Tom Petty’s classic “Free Fallin’” perfectly defined my life. In response, those very same people would rightly point out...
Let's start by saying that we know its not possible for every little kid to grow up with her or his own horse. Boarding horses is expensive and, let's face it, not everyone can...
When canvasing equestrian-related social media, it appears that draw-reins are quite fashionable again. And every “like” says “regression” rather than “retro.” After all, it has been 9 years since the...
The horse world has lost some good riders in the last few weeks. Sadly, it happens all too often. Horses can be unpredictable and people get hurt. Some of it...
I will not acknowledge you by using your name. I don't think you deserve to be acknowledged at all. I am writing this simply because I want to say, thank...
Whenever I tell people (that aren’t horse-y) that I have a horse, I usually always get the same response, and it’s usually a response filled with wonder and awe. If you...
“I need help...he won’t pick his foot up.” “I can’t make her trot!” “He’s not listening to me!” “She won’t stop!” “I just want my own that will do...