Few titles in horse sport are more coveted than that of Grand Slam Champion. In baseball, where the term originates, a ‘grand slam’ is not only a home run for...
The Mars Badminton Horse Trials cross country course shook up the dressage results in a big way on Saturday. The only rider from yesterday's top three to finish in the...
The highly anticipated $100,000 Land Rover Wellington Eventing Showcase is back for its third installment beginning on Friday, February 3, through Saturday, February 4, at The Equestrian Village in Wellington,...
William Fox-Pitt is a five-time Olympian and an amazing athlete. He's also batsh*t insane. Let’s examine the evidence... First, there was the whole coma-to-Rio in ten months thing. Most people...
If anyone doubted that William Fox-Pitt was ready to return to international competition following his serious fall on cross-country at Lion d'Angers last October, they're holding their tongues now. The 47-year-old...