Tag Archives: Uckele Equine

Preventing Spring Grass Laminitis

Spring is the peak time for grass-associated laminitis in most parts of the world. You can effectively treat, or better yet, prevent it, but only if you understand the mechanism....

Combating Winter Laminitis

Frozen lumpy ground can make any horse look lame but if the horse has insulin resistance there may be more going on. The first thing to do is rule out...

Winterizing the Senior Horse

Although horses can survive a remarkable range of environmental conditions, surviving is not the same as thriving. Winter is hard on any horse but particularly so for seniors. Like older...

Stay Ahead of Fall Laminitis

There are many possible causes of laminitis but the vast majority of cases have a hormonal/endocrine root. There is a peak in the spring, related to grazing young, high sugar...

On the Muscle

From sales yearlings to seniors, pleasure trail horses to upper echelon competitors, caretakers and owners are attuned to muscle bulk. Additionally, muscle dysfunction or pain is a grossly under-appreciated cause...

The Truth About “Hind Gut Ulcers”

It’s difficult to go anywhere online (and probably off) where people are talking about horses without having something come up about hind gut ulcers, symptoms and treatments. There are even...