Recently there's been a lot of discussion about the need to clean up the hunters—to find ways to penalize people who drug their horses to get them quiet. In these...
John’s barn was small and sweet. He explained to Zoe when she showed up at three-o’clock that he leased the property from a couple who lived in Manhattan. They had...
It's been nearly 25 years since I rode in the equitation finals—25 years! Besides being nearly impossible to believe,I've noticed a few trends from the results of the interceding years....
The judge. When I was younger, I revered the judge of any horse show I attended. The judge always seemed to loom larger than life. He or she basically had...
Every horse person knows the trainer/rider relationship is a little different than most coach/player relationships... [show-list] About the Author Kim Ablon Whitney is a USEF 'R' Judge and the author...
It's the end of summer with many shows already in the rear view mirror. Here are some random thoughts from my judging adventures. [show-list] Well, that's it for now! Hope everyone...
What is a California Split? So glad you asked. A California Split is used the judge a class is very large (usually over 25 horses) or in a combined division... I love judging IHSA and IEA shows. Both are great organizations that offer a fun, reasonably priced way for beginners to learn how to ride and for advanced riders...